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Product Details

Safe4you collection system

SKU: 4700031200

  • All-in-one Safe4You Absorbent Powder recycler concept: stores, distributes, recycles and recovers waste, separating dirty absorbent dust from reusable dust, which makes it considerably cost-effective.
  • The pack includes: 1 storage basket (removable), 1 recovery basket (removable), 1 hand shovel, 1 broom, 1 container for spray cans, 2 spaces to store S4Y absorbent powder code 4110021660 (the only compatible absorbent).
  • Directions: use the shovel to take the S4Y Absorbent dust from the recovery basket and throw it on the part to be cleaned. Clean with the broom and throw onto the perforated grate over the storage basket. Clean dust will fall in, leaving dirty agglomerations on the surface. Lift the grate and throw the dirt inside the recovery basket. 


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