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Briciole di pane

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Dettagli sul prodotto

Anti-marten spray

SKU: 4110021000

  • Repellent spray for martens and rodents. Removes animals from engine compartments and prevents damage caused by martens and other rodents to electrical cables, pipes and linings. It does not harm animals at all and is safe for vehicle components.
  • Ensures long-term protection, is odourless and is resistant to temperature changes from -30°C to + 50°C and weather.
  • In the event that a marten or other rodent has already attacked parts of the engine compartment, it is very important that cleaning is carried out by washing and eliminating the remains. 
  • Protect unaffected parts from the spray mist. Spray the product abundantly on the plastic and rubber parts to be protected, coating them evenly.
  • Let it dry for about 5 minutes before restarting the engine and using it again.


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