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Briciole di pane

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Dettagli sul prodotto

Chain lubricant for food industry

SKU: 4110020770

  • High-quality lubricant for treatment of chains and transmissions subject to heavy load. Its exclusive formula was especially made for food industry application, in compliance with NSF certification in class H1.
  • To be applied as oil with the property of grease. Excellent thermal and mechanical stability, good adhesion, it prevents wear and friction (seizure), weather resistant, resistant to bases, and weak acids, waterproof. Special direct-jet spray head, special valve for 360 ° use.
  • How to use: aerosol must be used at ambient temperature. the recommended temperature for use ranges from 5 to 30 °C. Shake the bottle vigorously before use, apply the chain oil in several light layers. In the initial stage of lubrication, to allow the optimal penetration of the product, in the part to be treated, the spray assumes a foamy effect.


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