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Dettagli sul prodotto

Silicone oil for food industry

SKU: 4110020750

  • Silicone oil suitable for the treatment of parts subject to temperature fluctuations. Its exclusive formula was especially made for food industry application, in compliance with NSF certification in class H1.
  • Suitable for: packing machinery, bottling machinery, processing machinery, ovens, conveyor belts, cutters, freezers, refrigerators.
  • Excellent penetrating property, optimal adhesion, waterproof, it prevents freezing/drying of rubber parts and crushing/squeaking of plastic parts, excellent thermal and mechanical stability, weather resistant, resistant to bases and weak acids. Special valve for 360 ° use.
  • How to use: aerosol must be used at ambient temperature. The recommended temperature for use ranges from 5 to 30 °C. Shake the bottle vigorously before use, apply the silicone oil in several light layers. Thanks to its exclusive formula, a chemically inert and permanently viscous film will form.


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