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Precision digital circuits Tester

SKU: 4770006550

  • Practical circuits test instrument for voltages between 6 and 24 volts, with digital display of the detected voltage. Allows control of electrical circuits and the correct operation of electronic sensors on all vehicles.
  • Can be used by all the garages and electrician, accurately detect voltages ranging from 5 to 28 Volts allowing you to control the output voltages from the electronic engine sensors.
  • Current consumption of limited means, less than 10 mA, no effect on the tested circuit. instant indication of the voltage variations detected, illuminated display, the maximum length of ground wire 3.5 meters.
  • The instrument is equipped with two probes needle to pierce the insulation of the wires and pick up the signal without damaging them. Length 18 cm each, a straight and a hook to fasten securely while you're working. The attack is the classic "banana" type for use with other tools and are also available separately from our test circuits.
  • Instrument Dimensions: 130 X 35 mm. Weight: 160 g including the ground wire.


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