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Dettagli sul prodotto

Radiator Washer - Intensive cleaner for cooling circuits

SKU: 4110020710

  • Cleaner and descaling liquid for radiators and cooling systems of vehicles, removes all limescale incrustations, muds, oxidation incrustations in a easy and quick manner and allows to clean the whole cooling system from oily contaminations due to breakage. It restores the full efficiency of the cooling system of the engine and the internal heating system of the vehicle.
  • It is used on all types of engines, new or old design, with any kind of crankcases and parts. It does not affect light alloys, seals, movable parts and does not damage pipes and pumps.
  • How to use: empty the cooling circuit and fill it with water with 20-30% of product, bring the engine to temperature and allow it to run for at least 30 minutes by keeping the heating system running at the max. power. At the end, drain the whole circuit and rinse with clean water at least three times.
  • Fill the circuit with new coolant up to the correct level.


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