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Dettagli sul prodotto

Unblocker for injectors

SKU: 4110020890

  • Product composed of a mixture of powerful solvents which, when sprayed and left to act, dissolve and break down the carbonaceous encrustations that prevent the extraction of the injectors and spark plugs on diesel engines.
  • Suitable for all mechanical workshops, it also allows easy cleaning of turbochargers from the exhaust side, encrusted EGR valves, encrustations inside catalysts and particulate filters.
  • The product has paint-stripping effects, do not use on painted parts or plastics. Properly protect hands and eyes.
  • How to use: spray the product on the encrustation, thoroughly wetting it. Wait the necessary time for it to disintegrate, it may take up to 180 minutes. Clean everything with a solvent, such as brake cleaner, using paper or suitable tools. If necessary, you can repeat the operation. Proceed with the removal of the injectors or spark plugs.


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